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Alfred Button Passion Fruit Martini


Cost per serving£1.52

Cost breakdown

Cost per serving:* £1.52
Sell Price £8.00
% Profit 77%
Cash Profit £5.15
Ingredients makes 1 portion


  • Alfred Button Vanilla Vodka 70cl
    M271975 35ml

  • Alfred Button P/Fruit 70cl
    M272059 15ml

  • Funkin Passion Fruit Martini 1ltr
    M205016 100ml

  • Prosecco Spumante DOC Ex Dry 75cl
    M146554 25ml

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  1. 1

    Add 35ml Alfred Button Vanilla Vodka to a cocktail shaker

  2. 2

    Add 15ml Alfred Buttion Passion Liqueur to the same shaker

  3. 3

    Add 100ml Funkin Passion Martini Mix into the same shaker

  4. 4

    Fill the shaker with ice and shake hard for 10 seconds

  5. 5

    Double Strain into a Martini glass

  6. 6

    Garnish with a half passionfruit hull and a shot of prosecco on the side

*Costings are estimated for illustration purposes and are subject to change, but are correct at the time of printing. Alcohol serves subject to local legislation.