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Bombs 3 for £10


Cost per serving£2.47

Cost breakdown

Cost per serving:* £2.47
Sell Price £10.00
% Profit 70%
Cash Profit £5.86
Ingredients makes 1 portion


  • Jagermeister Herb Liqueur 70cl
    M214967 25ml

  • Midori The Original Melon Liqueur 70cl
    M1010997 25ml

  • Sourz Watermelon 70cl
    M276117 25ml

  • Red Bull 24x250ml
    M968313 1 can

  • Disposable Bomb Shot Cup 50s
    M268963 3 cups

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  1. 1

    Defrost the profiteroles as per the on pack instructions

  2. 2

    Serve in a bowl topped with chocolate sauce

*Costings are estimated for illustration purposes and are subject to change, but are correct at the time of printing. Alcohol serves subject to local legislation.